Our Keratoconus/Cornea Services
Keratoconus Contact Lens Services
Keratoconus can be a hard condition to live with. Our new contact lenses are life changing. Whether hybrid, scleral, gas permeable or even soft lenses are used, the results are usually incredible.
FREE Keratoconus Consultation
We offer all patients a FREE consultation to review their individual keratoconus case and offer insights into how best to correct your specific issues. Before you leave the consultation, you will know what the lenses feel like and see a close approximation of the final visual result. If you are not satisfied, the consultation is no charge. Call us today!
Surgical Options for Keratoconus
There are many surgical options available to the patient with keratoconus. Not everyone is in need of them but when applied correctly to the right patient, Collagen Crosslinking (CXL), Intacs, Corneal Transplantation, Inplantable Contact Lenses (ICL) and Superficial Keratectomy can make all the difference.
Nutritional Services for the Keratoconus Patient
Dietary deficiencies and the need for supplementation of certain antioxidant nutrients important factors in the keratoconus disease process and an important part of treating the whole patient not just the keratoconus. This is another area that we provide the correct treatment and nutritional advice to our patients, Our flagship supplement, StabilEyez, is the cornerstone of this approach
Keratoconus Genetic Testing and Counseling
We offer the Avellino Labs Keratoconus Genetic Test to see if family members will develop the disease and develop a plan of action to minimize the effects of keratoconus before they become problematic.
The Latest Keratoconus Related Technology
We use the Oculus Pentacam, the Visionix V130 and our own proprietary custom scleral mapping technology, KeratoCAD, which uses measurements from the cornea and neighboring sclera to custom design the best lens to fit your eye. Just like LaserFit lenses without the travel and the big price!
Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.