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Eye Doctor Specializing in Keratoconus in Bellmore, New York

The Keratoconus Center of Long Island
2848 Bellmore Avenue
Suite 001
Bellmore, NY 11710-4330
The Keratoconus Center of Long Island

Schedule a free keratoconus consultation today. Our staff and Dr. Scheno himself are available and happy to answer your every question about our contact lens and medical services in Bellmore, New York. We’d love to help you get all the information about your keratoconus, our Synergeyes contact lens products, our KeratoCAD scleral lenses and whatever else you may need in order to make the best choice for you.


Call us at: 516.409.2020
Fax us at: 516.324.2288
To Schedule a FREE Keratoconus Consultation or to Submit Your Questions, click Here.
Synergeyes Contact Lens Products in Bellmore, NY

A portion of all proceeds are donated to the National Keratoconus Foundation and other vision related charitable organizations.


@2025 by Christopher R. Scheno, O.D., P.L.L.C.

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Terms and Condiitons

Visit Us:


2848 Bellmore Avenue

Suite 001

Bellmore, NY 11710-4330


Office Hours:

Tuesday 10am - 730pm

Thursday 10am to 5pm

Friday 10am to 5pm

Saturday - 10am - 3pm

Call or Email us and schedule a FREE Keratoconus Contact Lens, Collagen Crosslinking (CXL), KeratoCAD® or InvisaLens® consultation today!


Toll Free

1 (833) FIX MY KC

Call us:



Toll Free:


1 (833) FIX MY KC








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